Influencer marketing is logically very simple.
✓ Sizable audience
Find an influencer with a fairly large audience. But remember, this is definitely not about the so-called number of followers.
✓ Pay to market
Pay him to promote your products to his audience.
However, influencer marketing is not that simple. Selecting influencers is actually the first challenge you will face - not every influencer with a huge audience will become "yours"!
When to Cooperate with and Promote through Influencers?
Based on Good Reviews
Firstly, before hiring influencers to assist with marketing, it makes sense only if your listing has already received 15 - 20 favorable reviews at least.
Remember, compared with search marketing, this is a kind of "viral marketing" with the characteristics of dynamic promotion.
When potential customers see influencers promoting your products, they usually won't actively go shopping. Their mentality is more of FOMO (fear of missing out).
When they are directed to your products, if the reviews under the listing are very positive, it can definitely help promote their purchasing decisions.